Continuing the previous stuffy nose problem


吉娃娃 男生 6歲 未結紮 乾糧 3公斤
2020-05-11 提問
2020-05-11 獲得 謝佳紋 獸醫師回答
2020-05-11 獲得 謝佳紋 獸醫師回答
Star Lai
Continuing the suggestion from dr Xie, problem is our vet here dont have those facilities to do the tests.The vet has suggested us to have his blood tested. Will this be helpful in diagnosing whats going on with my dog? The vet has also suggested in continuing another 14days antibiotics. Will that be helpful after there's no progress in the antibiotics treatment given before?
Of course, the blood test would generally help the diagnosis more currently. At least, it would tell if your dog in inflammation and infection or not.
About the antibiotic treatment, you can confirm with the vet that is the antibiotic same as the last treatment and decide to keep the treatment or not. The maintaining treatment is needed. I suggest you can keep the treatment again, or if there is a doubt, trying another hospital may be a decision.